Rust Building Decaying Faster: Cupboards Not Enough


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Rust Building Decaying Even with Cupboard


Rust is a multiplayer survival video game in which players gather resources, build structures, and compete for survival. One of the key mechanics in Rust is building decay, which causes structures to decay over time if they are not maintained. However, many players have reported that their buildings are decaying even when they have a cupboard placed inside. This can be a frustrating issue, as it can lead to the loss of valuable resources and time.

What is a Cupboard?

A cupboard is a structure that players can place inside their buildings to prevent them from decaying. Cupboards have a radius of influence, and any structure within that radius will not decay. However, there are a few things that can cause buildings to decay even with a cupboard present.

Insufficient Upkeep

One of the most common reasons for buildings to decay even with a cupboard is insufficient upkeep. Upkeep is a resource that is required to maintain buildings, and it is consumed over time. If a building does not have enough upkeep, it will begin to decay. The amount of upkeep required for a building depends on its size and the materials used to build it.


A Rust building decaying even with a cupboard

Cupboard Decay

Another potential cause of building decay is cupboard decay. If a cupboard is destroyed or despawned, the structures within its radius of influence will begin to decay. This can happen if the cupboard is placed outside of the building, or if it is destroyed by an enemy.

Foundation Decay

Buildings can also decay if their foundations are destroyed. Foundations are the structures that support buildings, and if they are destroyed, the building will collapse and begin to decay. Foundations can be destroyed by explosives, or by being damaged by other structures.


Explosions can cause buildings to decay, even if they are within the radius of influence of a cupboard. This is because explosions can damage the structures, making them more susceptible to decay.

Terrain Damage

Terrain damage can also cause buildings to decay. If the terrain around a building is damaged, the building can become unstable and begin to decay. Terrain damage can be caused by earthquakes, landslides, or other natural disasters.

Abandoned Buildings

Buildings that are abandoned for an extended period of time will begin to decay. This is because the structures are not being maintained, and they are more susceptible to damage from the elements.


Building decay is a key mechanic in Rust, and it is important to understand how it works to avoid losing valuable resources and time. By understanding the different factors that can cause buildings to decay, players can take steps to protect their structures and ensure their survival in the harsh world of Rust.

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